Migration Activities - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

The migration performs the following tasks.

  • Adds a VERSION=“11.00” attribute to the root XML node of all dimension rules and templates to signify that migration has taken place.

  • If applicable, updates the dimensionAnchor value in every main template to refer to the filename of the anchor template instead of the value of the filter node.

  • Adds a comment before each filter node in dimension rules stating that the node is no longer used for dimension anchoring.

  • For anchor templates using the DummyGeomAnalyzer geometric analyzer, removes all non-comment nodes except for pointGeneratorSettings and geometricAnalyzerSettings and their descendants. This helps reduce clutter in these templates because the point generator and geometric analyzer modules are the only ones used by anchors.

  • Removes empty dimensionAnchorSet nodes from templates.

  • Removes duplicate dimensionAnchor values from templates. For example:

    <dimensionAnchor value=“AnchorRuleName”/>
    <dimensionAnchor value=“AnchorRuleName”/>


    <dimensionAnchor value=“AnchorRuleName”/>

  • Removes duplicate dimensionAnchorSet nodes, leaving only the first one. For example:

    <dimensionAnchor value=“AnchorRuleName1”/>

    <dimensionAnchor value=“AnchorRuleName2”/>


    <dimensionAnchor value=“AnchorRuleName1”/>

  • Adds a new XML node called pointLocation to the pointGeneratorSettings section for any template that uses the DrawingPGRoutableObjHoriz point generator module. The migration does this because the DrawingPGRoutableObjHoriz point generator module no longer uses the rule’s filter node value for its point location property setting. This pointLocation node takes on the value of the filter node in this template’s rule file.

The migration does not fix the following issues, but warns you about them in the log:

  • View styles that reference nonexistent dimension rules

  • Dimension rules that reference nonexistent dimension templates

  • Dimension templates that reference nonexistent anchors

  • Dimension templates that reference anchors that do not coexist in the same view style as the main dimension rule

  • Anchor templates that do not use the DummyGeomAnalyzer geometric analyzer module

  • Dimension templates that, before migration, may have unintentionally anchored to more than one anchor rule because of the possibility that multiple anchor rules in the view style can have the same filter value

  • Dimension templates that anchor to themselves