Granularity - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Specifies a portion of the height of a label as the basis for the increment used to find clear space in which to position the label. You can select from the following range of values in a list: Coarse, Medium, or Fine. Each setting determines the height measurement the software uses when placing the label.


1 - Label Offset
2 - Coarse setting
3 - Medium setting
4 - Fine setting

  • Choose Coarse to specify a large increment. With a Coarse setting, the software searches an increment of exactly one height of the label in order to find clear space in which to place the label.

  • Choose Medium to specify a medium increment. With a Medium setting, the software searches an increment of exactly one-half the height of the label in order to find clear space in which to place the label.

  • Choose Fine to specify a fine increment. With a Fine setting, the software searches an increment of exactly one-third the height of the label in order to find clear space in which to place the label.

A Granularity setting of Medium or Fine allows the software to check a greater number of positions in which to place the label. Therefore, if you select these settings, the software takes longer to find clear space for the label. However, because the Medium and Fine settings try to place the label closer to the actual object that is being labeled, the relationship of the label to the object may be clearer than if you select a Coarse setting.

  • The label attempts to avoid overlaps, regardless of the Granularity setting that you select. Instead, the software continues searching in increments of the specified measurement, either until clear space is found within the Label Offset distance or until no further clear space positions are available. At this point, the software applies the next positioning module and begins searching again.

  • The following positioning modules use different methods to search for clear space:

    • Clear Space Quadrant 1 (DrawingQuadOne)

    • Clear Space Quadrant 2 (DrawingQuadTwo)

    • Clear Space Quadrant 3 (DrawingQuadThree)

    • Clear Space Quadrant 4 (DrawingQuadFour)

      The above positioning modules tell the software to search in increments equal to portions of the existing label height only. If you select a Coarse setting, the software looks for clear space in increments of exactly one label height. If you select Medium, the software looks for clear space in increments of exactly half of one label height. Likewise, if you select a Fine setting, the software looks for clear space in increments of exactly one-third of one label height. The software uses the height of the existing label as the basis for the measurement.

  • The following additional positioning modules use the Granularity property:

    • Clear Space Center Then Above (DrawingCenterThenAbove)

    • Clear Space Center Then Above Centerline (DrawingCenterThenAboveCL)

    • Clear Space Radial from Object Center with Clustering (DrawingCentroid)

    • Clear Space Coordinate (DrawingCoordLblPosMod)

    • Clear Space Grid Horizontal (DrawingGridLblHoriz)

    • Clear Space Grid Margin (DrawingGridLblMarginOnly)

    • Clear Space Grid Vertical (DrawingGridLblVert)

    • Clear Space End of Linear Object (DwgLblEndOfSegmentPos)

    • Clear Space Position by 2D Curve (ISDwgPositionByCurve2D)

    • Clear Space Position by 2D Curve at Margin (ISDwgPositionByCurve2DAtMargin)

    • Clear Space Position Marine Grid Label at Margin (SMDwgPositionGridLblMarginOnly)

    • Clear Space Radial (DrawingRadial)

  • The following options allow you to manually edit the .xml file:

    • Type 0 to specify a Coarse setting.

    • Type 1 to specify a Medium setting.

    • Type 2 to specify a Fine setting.

  • Enclose any of the above values within the following .xml tags.
