HngSup - Key Plan Label - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Description: Label contains key point coordinate location information. This label consists of five labels that return the Y offset, X offset, Y grid plane, X grid plane, and elevation. A symbol is also used to label the key point location.

XML Location: [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Drawings\Catalog\Labels\Templates\[Label Template Name].xml
Point Generator: Key Point (DefaultLabelPointGenerator)
Geometric Analyzer: No Grouping or Filtering (Default) (DefaultLabelGeometricAnalyzer)
Annotation Control Generator: Default (DefaultLabelControlGenerator)
Content Module: DrawingHangerLabelContent
Positioning Module: Absolute XY Offset (DrawingAbsolute)

  • This label is found in the HngSup - Key Plan View Style view style.

  • If no coordinate system is defined, or the hanger assembly key point is more than one meter outside of the first or last x/y grid plane or elevation plane in the specified coordinate system, the software defaults to the global coordinate system and the grid label bubbles are left blank.

    • Key Point location - Indicates the location of the hanger key point with a symbol. The key point location symbol is placed relative to where the coordinate system is in model space. In the example below, the key point is located in the upper right-hand portion of the grid system.

    • Y Offset - Distance between the key point and nearest Y grid plane or global origin on the y-axis.

    • Y Grid Plane - Name of the nearest Y grid plane. If no coordinate system is specified in the drawing sheet properties, the software defaults to the global coordinate system and the bubble is left blank.

    • X Offset - Distance between key point and nearest X grid plane or global origin on the x-axis.

    • X Grid Plane - Name of the nearest X grid plane. If no coordinate system is specified in the drawing sheet properties, the software defaults to the global coordinate system and the bubble is left blank.

    • Elevation Value - Distance between key point and coordinate system origin or global origin on the z-axis. If no coordinate system is specified in the drawing sheet properties, the software defaults to the global coordinate system origin.



The example below is using the global coordinate system, which means the grid label bubbles are blank.
