Edit an Isometric Backing Sheet - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon

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Personal Isogen requires isometric backing sheets as a starting block for an isometric drawing. The backing sheet files are SmartSketch Drawing Editor documents. Only use the SmartSketch Drawing Editor to create or edit the isometric backing sheet files.

When you bulk load an isometric backing sheet file, specify its name with the extension IGR (.igr). For more information, see Create a new isometric drawing style.

The following procedure steps you through creating a new isometric backing sheet from an existing one.

  1. In the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\PmfgIsoStyleData folder, copy an existing isometric backing sheet file. Rename the copied file using the name of the new style as its base name. Give the new backing sheet file a .sha extension. For example, if you create a backing sheet for a style called Iso_Pipeline2, rename the copied backing sheet file Iso_Pipeline2.sha.

    The backing sheet name should always match the name of the isometric style.

  2. Open the new backing sheet file using SmartSketch Drawing Editor.

  3. Edit the backing sheet as needed, then exit using File > Save.

    Do not use File > Save As to save the backing sheet file.

  4. Rename the saved file, changing only its file extension to .igr. For example, Iso_Pipeline2.sha renames to Iso_Pipeline2.igr.

  5. Make sure the new backing sheet IGR file is located in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor, because this is its reference when you bulkload the new isometric style.

See Also

Isometric Drawing Styles in the Isogen Isometric User's Guide