Rectangular Pattern Options Dialog Box - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D 2D Symbols

Intergraph Smart 3D
2D Symbols
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Pattern control — Specifies how the pattern is constructed.

  • Incremental array — Draws a pattern with a set offset between members.

  • Fit to rectangle — Draws a pattern by evenly spacing members along the x and y axes of the pattern rectangle.

Stagger — Controls whether pattern members are arranged in a straight matrix, or whether every other row or column is offset from its default position. Options are None, for a straight matrix, Rows, to offset alternate pattern rows, and Columns, to offset alternate pattern columns.

Stagger — Sets the row or column stagger distance to the specified distance.

Stagger = 1/2 offset — Sets the row or column stagger distance to half the X Offset or Y Offset value.

Include last column — Controls whether to include the last staggered column in the pattern or to exclude the last column.

Preview — Displays the range of the graphic to print on the printer paper.

See Also

Rectangular Pattern Command