Select the latest symbol data from Smart Support with latest symbol data designed to meet Smart 3D requirements. All SDB Piping Commodity Codes which are referred to by Piping Specifications are associated with DotNet based Symbol ProgIDs from the Symbol Library Manager.
This process is to select Smart 3D symbol selection based on component design as per Standards/ Vendor Catalogs and Component Types.
Components like Valves with operators are defined with separated Symbol details in Smart 3D thus Valve Body shall be associated with corresponding Symbol PDB.
Operators shall be mapped to Valve Commodity codes as per Smart 3D requirements.
Define the dimensional data form Standards/Vendor catalogs with respective commodity table details.
Associate all SDB Piping Commodity Codes referred by Piping Specifications with DotNet based Symbol ProgIDs from the Symbol Library Manager.
You can assign at Group and Part first.
Define Smart 3D Integration Templates with Operator data based on a vendor catalog as per selected Operator (PDB) Smart 3D part class sheets.
Run Transfer Job with setting the appropriate General Configuration to export symbol DLLs and corresponding symbol views.