SDB Best Practice workflow to Define Commodity Geometric Data (Geometric Management) - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph SRD SDB Work Processes (10.4)

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  1. Define attributes required to create the Geometric tables as per standards and vendor catalogs.

  2. Define table name with attributes to define the commodity Geometrics and Standard Geometrics.

  3. Define Geometrics Table Names and associate applicable Geometric tables with attribute values as per the standards and vendor catalog.

  4. Define Geometric Rules are used for mapping the build ident table, dimensional tables, Center of Gravity tables, and weight tables for the appropriate components.

  5. Associate Geometric Tables with appropriate components with reference to the given geometric rule definition details.

  6. Define Geometric rule to Build the Commodity Relations which will enable automatic mapping between geometric tables and commodity codes, when the commodity codes are created with matching properties as defined in the geometric rule.

  7. User need to verify the Commodity Geometric Relations. In case of any mismatch, redefine the geometric rules with necessary rule details.

    This is a manual verification process.

  8. This process is to Generate Ident codes as per standards/specification requirements.