Performing Patch Management - PAS Integrity Software Suite - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

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To perform patch management, you first need to create vendors and vendor bulletins. Then, you can use that information to assess and manage patches. Each month, as the Microsoft patch data is updated, you can collect supported patch information from your product vendors and create additional vendor bulletins. Cyber Integrity allows the administrator to also define custom workflow definitions for testing patches, implementing patches, and mitigating issues. These workflow definitions are integrated through buttons in the patch management windows.

To manage patches for assets across your organization:

  1. Review vendor names and create vendor aliases to streamline and simplify your patch management. In some cases, vendor names can be inconsistent across the information the PAS Recon asset model collects. For more information, see Defining Vendors and Vendor Aliases for Patch Management.

  2. Periodically collect the list of patches that each vendor has approved and create a bulletin for each vendor with that information to help you evaluate and implement patches safely throughout your OT environment. You need to periodically create these bulletins, such as monthly or quarterly, based on how often each vendor updates their list of approved patches. For more information, see Creating Vendor Bulletins for Patch Management.

  3. Use the Patch Management window to identify assets missing patches listed in vendor bulletins and to start custom workflow cases for testing patches, implementing patches, and mitigating issues. For more information, see the following topics:

  4. Review the state of all released Microsoft patches for your assets. For more information, see Evaluating the State of Microsoft Patches and Bulletins.