Working with Reports - PAS Integrity Software Suite - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

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PAS Integrity Software Suite
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Integrity provides built-in reports and allows you to create the custom reports and queries you need. A custom report can be based on a saved query, or you can specify independent search criteria and configuration options. To view a report, you first need to run the report.

Integrity allows you to create report packages of one or more reports. When you run a report package, you can combine multiple reports, include divider (separator) pages, and add a table of contents and cover sheet. The following list outlines how to prepare and use reports.

  1. Before you print a report, you need to define your printer settings. For more information, see Configuring Printer Settings.

  2. Define the queries you want to use for reports. For more information, see Understanding Queries and Creating a Query.

  3. Create the report packages you need. You can create one or more report packages with one or more reports in each report package. For more information, see Creating a Report Package.

  4. Run the report packages so the reports are available. For more information, see Running and Printing a Report Package.

  5. View the reports. For more information, see Viewing Previously Run Reports.

  6. Schedule the reports as needed to distribute the reports on a regular basis or when new data is processed. For more information, see Scheduling a Report Package.

The following topics provide additional information about working with reports: