Import from Excel - Integration - Update 44 - Help - Hexagon

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  1. Click Tools > Schema > Import/Delete Excel Workbooks to import the modified exported Excel files back into Schema Editor.

  2. Select the file to import.

    The import process begins. The import process consists of the following steps:

    • Parsing the .UIDs file and populating a container will all the current objects and relationships corresponding to the UIDs in this file. All UIDs for which no current object or relationship is found are tracked and later used to differentiate between new objects and resurrected objects

    • The .xlsm file is parsed and objects are placed into a second container based on this parsing

    • A comparison is performed between the objects in the two containers

    • All objects in the second container (.xlsm file) not in the first container are validated. If any errors are detected during this validation, the validation correction dialog box is displayed and the user allowed the opportunity to correct these errors before proceeding. If the user fails to correct any error, then the import process is terminated.

    • A dialog box is displayed showing all the differences between the first and second containers. New objects are identified as either new or resurrected based on whether their UIDs exist in the .UIDs file.

    • The user identifies the set of changes that are to be made by checking the appropriate check boxes on this dialog box. As a general rule, all new objects should be selected and all resurrected objects should not be selected. Normally deleted objects should be selected. Each modified object should be evaluated on a case by case basis to determine whether the changes should be selected.

    • Once the user selects OK, the checked changes are then made to the current schema. After the changes are made the .UIDs and .xlsm files used for the import are deleted.

Parsing the .xlsm File - Other than the first worksheet for an exported view, all worksheets in the .xlsm file are parsed. If the workbook contains a Sheet1 worksheet, then this worksheet is ignored during parsing.

The upper left cell for the worksheet identifies the class definition for all objects for that worksheet.

The remaining cells on the first row identify the properties for the objects for that worksheet.

The other rows on that worksheet contain the property information for each object for the class definition identified by the upper left cell.

Parsing of object information is done on a row by row basis. If the UID cell for a row has a blank value, that row will be ignored during parsing (even if other property values are defined on that row). If the user deletes an object or relationship by deleting the corresponding row from the workbook, he should leave that row (with blank cells) in the workbook as a reminder of the deleted object (also to keep hyperlinks for exported views correct).

Validation Errors - Any new or resurrected objects encountered during the import process are automatically validated. If any errors (warnings don’t count) are detected during this validation, the validation message correction dialog box will appear and the user can correct these errors (and warnings) via this dialog box.

If any errors are not corrected during this process, then the import process is terminated.

Selective Update Form - The dialog box that appears at the end of the update process and is used to identify the differences to apply is the same dialog box used for all selective update comparisons.