Verify API Connection to SAP - EcoSys - 1.1 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

Integrating EcoSys with SAP Connector

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The following steps will verify that the required SAP API’s are configured correctly and accessible to EcoSys Connect.

  1. Open the "EcoSys Connect - Verification Jobs SAP.json" in a text editor.

  2. Edit the line for the SAP host and port as follows:

    • Set SAP_HOST to your SAP Server Host Name

    • Set SAP_PORT to your SAP Server port

    • "systemUrl": "https://SAP_HOST:SAP_PORT"

  3. Save the file.

  4. Navigate to EcoSys Connect and click the Job tab.

  5. Click the Import button.

  6. Select the JSON file from step #1 to import.

  7. If the import was successful, the connection to SAP is working as expected. If not, then the problem is mostly likely one of the following issues:

    • Network connection is not possible between Connect and SAP.

    • The Connect Authenticator for SAP is not configured properly. See step above for configuring Connect Authenticators.

    • The Connect Agent is not configured properly. See step above for configuring the Connect Agent.

  8. Go to the Jobs tab and run the job called "EcoSys Connect Verify - Step SAP".

  9. If the job executes successfully, the API connection to SAP is working as expected. If not, check the job log for details.