Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) - HxGN SDx - Update 54 - Installation & Upgrade

Infrastructure Planning and Deployment for HxGN SDx

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Installation & Upgrade

Most deployments will use SSL when accessing HxGN SDx sites.

Application Server

  • SSL must be configured for the web sites that support/host HxGN SDx sites. If any alternate or secondary servers are used to host remote services or file servers on separate servers, these sites must also be set up for SSL.

  • All references in the primary site settings must be changed to HTTPS URLs. If they are not, a mixed-content error will be generated in the browser.

Web Client

  • All references in the Web Client settings need to be HTTPS URLs. If they are not, a mixed-content error will be generated in the browser.

  • If the underlying site uses a domain-name that is different from the machine-name, CORS will come into play. For configuration changes required in this case, see Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).