The red asterisk (*) denotes all required settings.
Use the Service Settings to configure the VDS Application Server.
VDS Common Settings
Log Directory
Specifies the root location for the VDS 2D graphics data service log files. The default location is the %TEMP% folder.
Authenticated Files Sources
Specifies the base URL where graphics files are requested from, and the information that was set up in your authorization server. Authenticated means that VDS obtains a valid token before requesting the file from that source.
File Source List
Specifies the base URL that is accessed to obtain graphics files. You can add multiple file sources. However, only enter an authenticated file source for which VDS can obtain a valid token. For each file source you add, define the connection settings listed below.
[File Source] Settings
Enable File Source
Specifies whether to enable or disable the displayed authenticated file source. If this option is checked, the listed file source is used.
Specifies the base URL of your Application Data Service to access the selected site’s API Services where VDS accesses the graphical data. The default value is https://[server.domain]/[sitevirdir]/[api]/[v3]. Replace the server, domain, and site virtual directory name with those from your environment.
VDS Client Identifier
Specifies the client ID of the client application created in the authorization server for the VDS Application Server. It is used by VDS to generate a token to connect to the selected site to access the list of plants and any advanced filters.
VDS Client Secret
Specifies the client secret of the client application created in the authorization server. The client secret is used by VDS to generate a token to connect to the selected site to access the list of plants and advanced filters.
VDS Client Scope
Specifies the client scope or user with a viewer role access. It is used by the VDS Application Server to connect to the selected site to access the list of plants and advanced filters.
Common Workspace Settings
Defines settings common to all workspaces.
Tree Lifespan
Specifies how long the query graphic cache in VDS memory is considered up to date after it has been generated. If a request for the graphics for the query is received, and the specified lifespan has not been met, the graphic cache from memory is returned for the query, without checking on the VDS Application Server for added, modified or deleted graphic objects.
If you have this setting value too small, VDS rechecks on the VDS Application Server frequently, which can impact the graphic performance. Conversely, a setting that is too large results in stale graphics being streamed from VDS. The default setting is 120 secs.
Workspace Sites
Specifies a user defined subset of the graphic objects in a plant that is based on a user query (or filter). The query is further refined by user permissions that are controlled by the application. Because there can be are different user permissions, there can be multiple workspaces each query/filter.
Site Name
Specifies the name of the site for which the VDS application server is being configured. Click Add (+) and enter a name for each new site.
Database Name
Specifies the database entry name corresponding to the selected site.
Database Data Source
Specifies the SQL Server instance name used in the connection string to connect to the selected site for which the VDS application server is being configured. The value to enter is in the format [SQLServer]\[SQLInstance].
VDS does not support Oracle databases.
Specifies the name of the database user required to access the site database.
Specifies the database user password required to access the site database.
Specifies the base URL of the Application Data Service to access the selected site’s API Services where the VDS can access the graphical data. The default value is https://[server.domain]/[sitevirdir]/[api]/[v3]. Replace the server, domain, and site virtual directory name with those from your environment.
VDS Client Identifier
Specifies the client ID of the client application created in your designated authorization server for the VDS Application Server. It is used by VDS to generate a token to connect to the selected site to access the list of plants and advanced filters.
VDS Client Secret
Specifies the client secret of the client application created in the authorization server. The client secret is used by VDS to generate a token to connect to the site to access the list of plants and advanced filters.
VDS Client Scope
Specifies the client scope or user with viewer role access. It is used by the VDS Application Server to connect to the selected site to access the list of plants and advanced filters.
VDS User Login Name
Specifies the user with viewer role access. It is used by the VDS Application Server to connect to the selected site to access the list of plants and advanced filters.
Plants URL
Specifies the URL address of the plant to use.
Exclude Plants
Specifies plants to be excluded from the designated site. If this field is left blank, all plants in the site are included. Click Add (+) and enter the plant to be excluded. Click Add for each plant to exclude.Each plant is separated by a comma.
Site Logs Directory
Specifies the physical path where the VDS 3D graphics data service log files are stored. The default location is \%PROGRAMDATA%\HxGN 3D Graphic Data Service\Logs.