For security reasons, traffic from VDS must be secured. This process is similar to the process of enabling SSL on your existing web server.
VDS does not support unsecured (http) traffic.
To secure VDS, the following certificates must replace the placeholder files in the %ProgramData%\HxGN Visualization Edge Gateway Service\Certs folder:
vds_cert.pem: Server certificate
vds_key.pem: Private key
The certificate uses the .pem (Privacy Enhanced Mail) format. For compatibility reasons, you must have the server certificate chain saved as vds_cert.pem, and the certificate’s private key saved as vds_key.pem. The vds_cert.pem file must contain the entire certificate chain and not just the certificate itself. For guidance and recommendations regarding your certificate creation, extraction, and usage policies, consult the site's certificate provider and your internal information technology (IT) group.
If you are already using .pem-formatted certificates for your web server, you can use them for VDS without modification.
If you have .pfx-formatted certificates, you must obtain the server certificate and private key in .pem format to use with VDS. Follow the instructions from the certificate provider for installing and creating the SSL certificate on the server. Refer to the documentation provided with the third-party certificate provider, and then follow the best practices of your organization to ensure the security of your organization’s data.
Add an HTTPS Binding to the Web Server
Before SSL can be enabled, you must add an HTTPS binding for secure communications to the web server. To add a binding:
From the Start menu, right-click Visualization Data Service > VDS Configuration Utility and select the Run as Administrator option to start the VDS Configuration Utility (if not already started).
Click the Security Settings page.
Click Security Certificate, and then select the SSL certificate to use. All available certificates display in the menu list.
Click Save & Configure. VDS updates the current configuration with the selected certificate. If No Security Certificate is selected, there is no change.
You can also do this manually as shown below:
In the Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, right-click the web site, and then click Edit Bindings.
Click Add, and then select https from the Type list box.
Assign an IP address or range.
Make sure the Host name box is blank.
Select the certificate from the SSL certificate list box, and then click OK.
Open any secure ports used by the VDS.