Jovix to Smart Materials - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.5 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

HxGN Smart Materials Connector for Jovix (10.5)

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Administration & Configuration
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

The following MTR/Material changes that are made in Jovix are integrated to Smart Materials:

  1. MTR by Reservation items changes

    Changes made in Jovix for MTR items (i.e. location/status/quantity) that belongs to Smart Materials MTR by Reservation are integrated to Smart Materials.

    This feature is available in the following Smart Materials versions:

    • 10.2 SP12 or higher

    • 10.3 SP4 or higher

    • 10.4

  2. Location/Status changes in Materials

When location/status of a material is changed with or without change in quantity in Materials screen of Jovix then MTR is created in Smart Materials. These materials are moved to the latest location/status if they are already available in previous Inventory in Smart Materials.

MTRs are created for the materials that does not belong to MTR by Reservation.

This section discusses the flow of data for an MTR from Jovix to Smart Materials. The following information flow happens:

  • Item code

  • Status

  • Location

  • Quantity

  • Units

  • Heat number

  • Only MTRs of projects that have the project default ZI_JX_PROJ defined are integrated with the Jovix project.

  • MTRs created in Smart Materials are currently not integrated in Jovix.

Location - MTR Integration

Data Mapping

The following table lists the data integration between Smart Materials and Jovix.


Smart Materials



IDENT [Tag Number]













MTR Number is created from MTR rules defined in Smart Materials.


  • MTR Rule must be defined in Smart Materials.

  • Define Smart Materials USID to the project default ZI_JX_MTRU to create MRR in Smart Materials in the discipline derived from the USID.

  • Alternatively, you can also configure the USID logic in the CIP MI_JVX_PCK_CUSTOM.get_us_id. By default, this CIP fetches value from ZI_JX_MTRU.

  • The new and old item status used in Jovix Material must be available under Site Material Status in Smart Materials.

  • In case you are moving a material X in Jovix from destination A to destination B, then material X must be available in destination A of Smart Materials inventory with the same set of values for warehouse, location, status, and on-hand quantity.

  • While creating an MTR in Smart Materials, if the updated Jovix location does not exist in Smart Materials, then a new warehouse/location with the same name is created in Smart Materials.

    • Only two levels of Jovix location heirarchy is supported for integration. In Smart Materials the root node is considered as a warehouse and the child node is considered as a location.

    • In case there is no heirarchy for a Jovix location, then the warehouse and location are created in Smart Materials using the same Jovix location value.

    • After a new warehouse is created in Smart Materials, the warehouse is assigned to the same user who created the MTR (ZI_JX_MTRU).

    • The Use for Issue field for the newly created warehouse is marked Yes.

       The warehouse/location name cannot exceed 30 characters.

Triggering point for MTR creation

  1. Change in the location or status of material (received on site) triggers creation of MTR in Smart Materials.

  2. For each change event, a separate MTR is created in Smart Materials with a single line item.

MTR integration

  • When location/status of a material is changed with or without change in quantity in Materials screen of Jovix then MTR is created in Smart Materials.

  • In Jovix, if both location and status are changed at once then, separate MTRs are created for location change and status change in Smart Materials.

  • The material is then transferred to the latest location and assigned a status.

    In case of an update to the material quantity in Jovix then, the quantity is directly updated but it is not split in Jovix. If there is a quantity change, manually split the material and give quantity accordingly in Jovix before changing the status or location.

  • MTR is created in Smart Materials based on the MTR rules defined in Smart Materials.

  • If the status in Jovix does not exist in Smart Materials then, the status defined for ZC_STATUS is assigned to MTR and is created in Smart Materials.

  • The integration validates if the inventory with following combination exists in Smart Materials:

    • previous location (warehouse)

    • previous status

    • Ident

    • tag number

    • qty unit

    • discipline

    • heat number

  • If the inventory item with the above combination exists then the material is transferred to the latest location or status.

Log files

You can check the integration status and logs in the Jovix Integration Report in Smart Materials and Smart Materials Web. The log files are saved in the path defined under the project default ZI_JX_LOG (from versions 10.3 and higher) or in the DBA setting LOG_FILE_DEST.

  • The naming format of the log files for Location associated MTRs is as follows:

    JOVIX_MTRS_L_<MATERIAL_ID>_<Date in dd-mm-yyyy_Time in hhmmss>.log

  • The naming format of the log files for status associated MTRs is as follows:

    JOVIX_MTRS_S_<MATERIAL_ID>_<Date in dd-mm-yyyy_Time in hhmmss>.log