HxGN SDx2 Release Notes - HxGN SDx2 - December 2024 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

HxGN SDx2 Release Notes

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Release Notes/Bulletin

HxGN SDx2 is cloud-native software as a service solution (SaaS). What does this mean?

HxGN SDx2 marks a new way for Hexagon's Asset Lifecycle Intelligence division to deliver software.

You'll now access HxGN SDx2 from a cloud computing environment, instead of installing software on-premises at your location. Hexagon handles all the physical and software resources, including updates. Updates will be continuously delivered to you, much like the smartphone in your pocket.

Now that updates are continuously delivered, how do I learn about what's new in HxGN SDx2?

Each time you log into HxGN SDx2, you might discover something new. That's the exciting part of a cloud-native SaaS solution! We are excited to share the latest and greatest features and improvements in HxGN SDx2 with you.

We'll deliver new documentation at the end of every week - that way you can read about upcoming features in line to be deployed. Click here to check out what's coming soon!

We'll also bring you a more in-depth look at new HxGN SDx2 features, improvements, and fixes that have been deployed at the end of each month. Click here to check out our monthly product updates.

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  1. Log on to your user account for the help. For more information, see Set up a user account.

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When we update or add a topic that matches any of your active alerts, we'll send you a link to it on the following Monday. (We don't want to spam you, so we just send one email a week, and only if we've made changes.)

Psst! Click here for a shortcut to start your new alert for HxGN SDx2 release notes.

These are the HxGN SDx2 release notes! Are you looking for the HxGN SDx Release Bulletin? Find it here!

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December 2024
Published Friday, December 6, 2024 at 11:44 AM