Upgrade the Outgoing transmittal workflow template - HxGN SDx - Update 60 - Installation & Upgrade

HxGN SDx Upgrade

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Installation & Upgrade
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Update 11 makes the transmittal process more efficient and easier to use. The transmittal can be saved as a draft, which allows later addition of more documents.

Update 22 introduces the ability to set the file type for the selected transmittal documents.

Update 31 introduces the ability to set the file type (signed) for the selected transmittal documents.

For more information, see Create a transmittal.

If you are using a customized workflow template and do not want to replace the existing version,

  1. Update the step definitions as mentioned in the following table.

    In this workflow template

    For these workflow steps

    Update the step definition to


    Run and attach report

    Run and attach report for completion



    Run and attach cancelled report


  2. Load the template documents mentioned in step #4 below.

To upgrade the outgoing transmittal workflow template so that these changes are available in your system:

  1. Copy the latest version of the MSR Outgoing Transmittal Workflow template (MSR SCLBTransmittalLifeCycle), and rename it.

  2. Update Argument 8 (Workflow processing option) with the name of the new copied workflow for the methods listed below:

    • SDACreateOutgoingTransmittal

    • SDACreateOutgoingTransmittalFromMultipleDocuments

  3. If you are upgrading from versions earlier than Update 7, to configure the Offline display item and making Contract optional in the outgoing transmittal form, see Configure the offline transmittal feature.

  4. Load the following template documents delivered and accessible through the Desktop Client. For information on how to access the template document and load the file into the system, see Enable new features and functionality using template files.

    Template name


    Transmittal SaveAsDraft Template

    Configures the Save As Draft button in the create form of the transmittal. The changes include:

    Argument 12 (Additional property to set) has been added for SDACreateOutgoingTransmittal and SDACreateOutgoingTransmittalFromMultipleDocuments methods.

    You can skip this load if you are upgrading from Update 11 or higher and you already have this functionality in your system.

    Transmittal Document File Type Template

    Configures the PDF and Native file type options in the create and update forms of the transmittal. The changes include:

    Argument 17 (Link properties) has been added for SDACreateOutgoingTransmittal and SDACreateOutgoingTransmittalFromMultipleDocuments methods.

    Argument 7 (Link properties) has been added for SDAUpdateOutTransmittal method.

    You may skip this load if you are upgrading to Update 31 or higher and will be loading the Transmittal Document Signed File Type Template template in your system.

    Transmittal Document Signed File Type Template

    Configures the PDF, Native, and Signed file type options in the create and update forms of the transmittal. The changes include:

    Argument 17 (Link properties) has been added for SDACreateOutgoingTransmittal and SDACreateOutgoingTransmittalFromMultipleDocuments methods.

    Argument 7 (Link properties) has been added for SDAUpdateOutTransmittal method.

    If you are upgrading from Update 22 or higher and already loaded Transmittal Document File Type Template template in your system, you must load this template to get the Signed file type option.

    If you do not load this template, you may face issues while previewing the transmittal letter for new transmittals.

SHARED Tip To ensure the changes are included, perform an IIS reset or recycle your application pools, and regenerate metadata.

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