Web Client Site Settings node - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The Settings node under each Web Client site node contains the following configuration information for the site.

Site Path – Physical path to the Web Client site files (physical location of the virtual directory).

Site Virtual Directory – Name of the Web Client site, as defined in IIS.

OAuth Client ID – Identifier used by the Authorization Server to identify the Web Client.

OAuth Redirect URL – Fully-qualified URL to the Web Client logon page on the Authorization Server.

OAuth Logout Redirect URL – Fully-qualified URL separate path to where users are redirected after logout.

Must be the same Logout Redirect URL path as entered in the Authorization Server. If no value is specified, the redirect URL will be used.

Identity Provider – Unique identifier provided by the Smart API Manager to indicate the identity provider to be used for user authentication.

OAuth ACR Values - Defines a specific set of assurance level requirements that the protected resource requires from the authentication event associated with access and ID tokens. Setting this value overrides the default value set in the Identity Provider. For more information, see Advanced authentication support for Okta and third-party OAuth providers.

OAuth Extra Properties - Indicates the extra properties that can be used for user authentication and added to the authorization request. Setting these properties overrides any previous properties. You can add multiple property values separated with a comma. For example, prop1=value1,prop2=value2,prop3=value3.

Domain URL - indicates the network domain URL for the Web Client site. For example, /domainurl:"https://serverhost" or /domainurl:https://SWI-PPM-TEST.ingrnet.com.

Service Name - indicates the name of the client application server for the Web Client site. For example, /serviceName:"appserver" or /serviceName:SDXDEVServer.

Client Services URL – Fully-qualified URL to the location of the Web Client site's Client Services software.

SDx Web Client default page size (1-1000) – Specifies the default number of objects that are returned in one page of a paged query. The default setting is 25. The range is 1-1000.

  • The default query page value is defined by the API Default Query Page Size (1-1000) property, and the maximum value allowed is defined by the API Services max Page Size property.

  • We recommend you limit the page size to 200 for optimal page loading speed and client response times.

SPF Web Client inactivity timeout (minutes) – Period of time, in minutes, before the application on the server times out. Default timeout is set to 10 minutes.

SPF Web Client Peek debounce duration – Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds(ms) that the peek operation in the search menu waits after a character is entered in the search bar before making a server call to return matches. Increasing the time means peek sends fewer server requests, which can help improve performance if there are a lot of users. The value range is from 300-1000ms. The default value is 300ms.

Web Client Grid Hover Shortcut Debounce Duration – Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds (ms) before any shortcuts display in the actions ribbon as you hover over an object in a results grid. The value range is 250 - 1000 ms. The default value is 250 ms. For more information, see Configure shortcut ribbon hover debounce value.

By increasing the debounce value, you can control how quickly the shortcut ribbon icons appear as each user moves across a results grid. This can help improve performance by reducing the number of requests to the server, especially if you have a lot of users.

SPF Web Client download file size threshold (MB) – Specifies the system download file size limit beyond which the file(s) are presented in a separate download dialog when you use a download command. Default download file size limit is 200MB.

SHARED Tip If you increase the download file size threshold value, you may have to increase the SPF Web Client download file timeout (minutes) value to avoid a download timeout.

SPF Web Client download file timeout (minutes) – Specifies the system download file timeout value when downloading large files. Default download file size timeout value is set to one minute. Can be increased proportionately depending on system network speed.

SDx Web Client file chunk size (MB) - Specifies the file chunk size in MB that is used when uploading files in batches to the server. The default chunk size is 1MB. You can increase the size to help with performance to deal with large file sizes.

SDx Web Client peek search characters count (3-9) - Specifies the number of characters you must enter before a peek search is invoked. This is a global setting which helps performance by reducing the number of peek search requests for objects with long prefixes. The default peek search value is set at 3. The minimum value that can be set is 3 and the maximum is 9. However, the number of characters set in individual object API Entry Points before a peek search request is invoked always takes precedence.

Change Password URL – Indicates the URL of the external password provider, such as Okta, that can change the password if you use Single Sign On in a cloud environment.

Enable Diagnostics – Indicates that the site diagnostic tools are available to check the configuration and services settings. The default is True.

Max batch size – Indicates the maximum object limit for site operations. If the limit is exceeded, there may be a performance impact. The default is 100.

Markup auto-save interval (minutes) – Specifies an interval of time between automatic saves of an existing markup layer that is open for edit. The default is 0 (off).

/bravastampsurl:[Brava Stamps URL] - identifies the fully-qualified URL to the Brava! stamps library (stamps.json). If your environment is hosted on a cloud, the URL must be external. If you are using Okta as your external OAuth authorization provider, the URL must be all lowercase.

  • The rootURL in the stamps.json file must point to the folder location of the stamps.json file. The stamps.json file is delivered to: [drive]:\SDx Server Files\WebClient_Sites\[SiteName]\viewers\resources\stamps.

  • If your environment uses Chromium and the stamps.json file is not delivered by the application server, you must use IIS to add the following CORS attributes to the viewers resources folder:

    • Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to the fully-qualified URL for your application server

    • Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true

    • Access-Control-Allow-Headers set to x-requested-with

/bravasymbolsurl:[Brava Symbols URL] - identifies the fully-qualified URL to the Brava! symbols library (symbols.json). If your environment is hosted on a cloud, the URL must be external. If you are using Okta as your external OAuth authorization provider, the URL must be all lowercase.

  • The rootURL of the symbols.json file must point to the folder location of the symbols.json file. The symbols.json file is delivered to: [drive]:\SDx Server Files\WebClient_Sites\[SiteName]\viewers\resources\symbols.

  • If your environment uses Chromium and the symbols.json file is not delivered by the application server, you must use IIS to add the following CORS attributes to the viewers resources folder:

    • Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to the fully-qualified URL for your application server

    • Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true

    • Access-Control-Allow-Headers set to x-requested-with

InstrumentationKey - Specifies the Application Insights instrumentation key used to send telemetry from the application client server to the Azure Monitor.

SiteVersion - Indicates the current version number of the site. For example,

IsUpdateNeeded - Indicates if the site needs updating to match the installed version. The default is False.