Create a Web Client site from the command line - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Using SDxServerManager.exe with the /createwcsite argument creates a new Web Client site. You must provide information about the new site using several additional arguments:

/sn: - names the new site (required).

/SPFserverurl: - sets the fully-qualified URL of the SDx server (required).

/validateurls: [True/False] - conditionally validates the server and configuration service URLs as they should be validated interactively by Server Manager (optional). The default value is True.

/instrumentationKey: - Identifies the Application Insights instrumentation key on the client. When the instrumentation key is added, the client sends relevant telemetry to the Azure Monitor so you can analyze live application performance.

/bravastampsurl:[Brava Stamps URL] - identifies the fully-qualified URL to the Brava! stamps library (stamps.json). If your environment is hosted on a cloud, the URL must be external. If you are using Okta as your external OAuth authorization provider, the URL must be all lowercase.

  • The rootURL in the stamps.json file must point to the folder location of the stamps.json file. The stamps.json file is delivered to: [drive]:\SDx Server Files\WebClient_Sites\[SiteName]\viewers\resources\stamps.

  • If your environment uses Chromium and the stamps.json file is not delivered by the application server, you must use IIS to add the following CORS attributes to the viewers resources folder:

    • Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to the fully-qualified URL for your application server

    • Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true

    • Access-Control-Allow-Headers set to x-requested-with

/bravasymbolsurl:[Brava Symbols URL] - identifies the fully-qualified URL to the Brava! symbols library (symbols.json). If your environment is hosted on a cloud, the URL must be external. If you are using Okta as your external OAuth authorization provider, the URL must be all lowercase.

  • The rootURL of the symbols.json file must point to the folder location of the symbols.json file. The symbols.json file is delivered to: [drive]:\SDx Server Files\WebClient_Sites\[SiteName]\viewers\resources\symbols.

  • If your environment uses Chromium and the symbols.json file is not delivered by the application server, you must use IIS to add the following CORS attributes to the viewers resources folder:

    • Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to the fully-qualified URL for your application server

    • Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true

    • Access-Control-Allow-Headers set to x-requested-with

/domainurl:[Domain URL] - sets the network domain URL for the Web Client site. For example, /domainurl:"https://serverhost" or /domainurl:

/serviceNamel:[Service Name] - sets the name of the client services server for the Web Client. For example, /serviceName:"appserver" or /serviceName:"SDXDEVServer".

/clientservicesurl:[Client Services URL] - sets the fully-qualified URL of the location of the Web Client site's Client Services software. For example: /clientservicesurl:http://localhost/SDAClientServices/api/.

/inactivityTimeout: - sets the period of time, in minutes, before the application on the server times out due to inactivity. The default is set to 10 minutes.

/defaultPageSize: - specifies the number of objects returned in one page of a paged query. This can be set between 1 and 1000. The default is set to 25.

/downloadfilesizethreshold: - sets the download file size threshold limit (MB). Default value set to 200MB.

/downloadfiletimeout: – sets the download file timeout (minutes). Default value set to one minute.

/filechunksizeinmb: - sets the file chunk size in MB when uploading files in batches to the server. The default size is 1MB.

/enablecontextpanel: – enables the Context Panel dashboards configured in the Web Client to be displayed in the results grid. The default is True.

/tlp - sets the path to the trace configuration log file folder location (optional). Use to change the path to a new trace log folder location; if not set, the path defaults to server trace log folder set in the configuration file.

/oauthissuerurl:[OAuth Issuer URL] - identifies the OAuth issuer URL.

/clientid:[Client ID] - identifies the OAuth client ID.

/identityprovider:[Identity Provider] - identifies the identity provider for OAuth.

/oauthacrvalues:[OAuth ACR Values] - Defines a specific set of assurance level requirements that the protected resource requires from the authentication event associated with access and ID tokens. Setting this value overrides the default value set in the /identityprovider. For more information, see Advanced authentication support for Okta and third-party OAuth providers.

/oauthextraproperties:[OAuth Extra Properties] - Indicates the extra properties that can be used for user authentication and added to the authorization request. Setting these properties overrides any previous properties. You can add multiple property values separated with a comma. For example, prop1=value1,prop2=value2,prop3=value3.

/scopes:[Scopes] - identifies the OAuth scopes.

/usehttps:[Use HTTPS] - uses HTTPS connection when set to True (optional).

/externalhostname:[External Host Name] – uses the external host name for the site (Optional).

/port:[Port number] – sets the port number to be used for the site (Optional).

/sambaseurl:[SAM BASE URL] - identifies the OAuth issuer URL; required only if SAM is used.

/samusername:[SAM Login User Name] - identifies the administrative login user name for SAM; required only if SAM is used.

/sampassword:[SAM Login Password] - identifies the password for the administrative login for SAM; required only if SAM is used.

/validateoauthurl:[True/False] - indicates if the system should validate the External OAuth URL. Default is True.

/oauthredirecturi:[OAuth Redirect URL]- sets the fully-qualified URL of the Web Client logon page, as in the example: /oauthredirecturi:http://localhost:4200/.

OauthReditectUri2 is set from the OauthRedirectUri appending _session.html.

/postoauthlogoutredirecturi:[OAuth Post Logout Redirect URL] - sets the fully-qualified URL to where users are redirected after logout, as in the example: /oauthlogoutredirecturi:http://localhost:4200/.

/domainuser:[User] - identifies the user name of the domain user to set the application pool identity.

/domainpassword:[Password] - identifies the domain user password for setting the application pool identity.

/domain:[Domain] - identifies the network domain name of the user to set the application pool identity.

/peeksearchcharacterscount: - Sets the number of characters that must be typed before a peek search is invoked to avoid unnecessary peek search requests. The default peek search value is set at 3. The minimum value is 3 and the maximum is 9.

If the site uses a SAM server when the OAuth redirect options are being updated, you must provide the SAM administrator credentials as follows:

/samusername: - Provides the SAM administrator user name.

/sampassword: - Provides the SAM administrator password.

If the site using the Intergraph Authorization Server (STS) when the OAuth redirect options are being updated, you must provide the administrator credentials as follows:

/stsusername: - Provides the STS administrator user name.

/stspassword: - Provides the STS administrator user name.

This example creates a web client site named SDxClient at the specified network URL location of the client services server for Web Client.

SDxServermanager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDxClient /domainurl:"http://serverhost" /serviceName:"appserver"

This example creates a web client site called SDxClient for the SDx site named SDx at the specified location with SAM OAuth provider.

SDxServermanager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDxClient /SPFserverurl: /sambaseurl:"" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example shows the usage of /usehttps, /externalhostname, and /port arguments to create a webclient site

SDxServermanager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDxClient /SPFserverurl: /sambaseurl:"" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456 /externalhostname: /port:455 /usehttps:true

This example creates a site called SDxClient for the SDx site named SDx at the specified location with an external OAuth provider (for example, Okta).

SDxServermanager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDxClient /SPFserverurl: /clientid:0oag04x1t1cW5miJS0h7 /oauthissuerurl:"https://dev597594.oktapreviewcom/oauth2/ausg0871hp0DCijdr0h7" /oauthredirecturi:"" /oauthredirecturi2:"" postoauthRedirecturi:""

This example uses the /log: argument to generate a log file that stores results and errors from the operation. Specify a path and file name for the target log file (an extension is not required for the file).

SDxServermanager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDxClient /SPFserverurl: /sambaseurl:"" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456 /log:"C:\SDx Server Files\Temp\SDxServerManager\SDxClientcreation"

This example creates a Web Client site and installs the Application Insights instrumentation key on the server to analyze application performance.

SDxServermanager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDxClient /sambaseurl:"" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456 /instrumentationKey:1234-abcd-EFGH

This example creates a Web Client site called SDxClient and sets the download file size threshold to 200MB and download file timeout to 1 minute.

SDxServermanager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDxClient /SPFserverurl: /sambaseurl:"" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456 /downloadfilesizethreshold:200 /downloadfiletimeout:1

This example creates a Web Client site called SDxClient with an upload file chunk size in mb setting of 5.

SDxSDxServerManager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDXWC /filechunksizeinmb:5

This example creates a Web Client site with a peek search setting of 3.

SDxServerManager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SDXWC /peeksearchcharacterscount:3

This example creates a Web Client site with the /oauthacrvalues and /oauthextraproperties arguments.

SDxServerManager.exe /createwcsite /sn:SSDXDEVWC /SPFserverurl: /sambaseurl: /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456 /oauthacrvalues:acr value /oauthextraproperties:prop1=value1,prop2=value2,prop3=value3