Delete a site from the command line - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

HxGN SDx Server Manager Help

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Use SDxServerManager.exe with the /deletesite and /sn: arguments to delete a site from the server.

The following optional arguments are available:

/forcedelete:[true|false] - deletes the physical directories of the site, as well as log files.

/removedb:[true/false] - deletes the database associated with the site.

/su:[system user] - provides the system user of the database with the administrative privileges to delete the database (required when removedb is set to true).

/sp:[password] - provides the password of the system user of the database with the administrative privileges to delete the database (required when removedb is set to true).

/samusername: - provides the administrative Smart API Manager user name for deleting the site from the server.

/sampassword: - provides the administrative Smart API Manager password for deleting the site from the server.

This example deletes the site named SDx.

SDxServermanager.exe /deletesite /sn:SDx

This example deletes all folders:

SDxServermanager.exe /deletesite /sn:SDx /forcedelete:true

This example deletes all folders and the database:

SDxServermanager.exe /deletesite /sn:SDx /forcedelete:true /removedb:true /su:systemuser /sp:password

This example deletes the site, all folders, and the database and service and identity provider for a SAM server:

SDxServermanager.exe /deletesite /sn:SDx /forcedelete:true /removedb:true /su:systemuser /sp:password /samusername:sa /sampassword:1