Create a site from the command line - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

HxGN SDx Server Manager Help

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Using SDxServerManager.exe with the /create argument creates a new site. You must provide information about the new site using several additional arguments:

/sn: - names the new site; "server" is appended to the name automatically (required).

/db: - identifies the database type, either Oracle or SQL Server, not case-sensitive (required).

/dsn: - identifies the data source or TNS name (required).

/u: - identifies the database user name (required).

/p: - identifies the database password (required).

/se: - sets a secure HTTPS connection when /se is set to True (optional).

/externalhostname:[External Host Name] – uses the external host name for the site (Optional).

/port:[Port number] – sets the port number to be used for the site (Optional)./mccs: - indicates that the database uses a manually configured SQL Server connection string (optional). The default value is False. When set to True, /dbcs: parameter is mandatory. Other parameters are optional, such as /dsn,/u,/p, and so on.

/dbcs: - provides the SQL Server connection string used to manually connect to the database. The string must be entered within double quotes "".

/sambaseurl:[SAM BASE URL] - identifies the OAuth issuer URL; required only if SAM is used.

/samusername:[SAM Login User Name] - identifies the administrative login user name for SAM; required only if SAM is used.

/sampassword:[SAM Login Password] - identifies the password for the administrative login for SAM; required only if SAM is used.

/saminstallfilepath:[SAM Install Setup File Path] - identifies SAM installation setup file path; mandatory if SAM is used and it is not installed.

/saminstalldirpath:[SAM Install Directory Path] - identifies the directory path where SAM has to be installed (Optional). Default path is "C:\Program Files\Intergraph\Smart API Management Server"

/samconfigfilepath:[SAM Configuration File Path] - identifies SAM configuration txt file. Mandatory if SAM is not configured

/samconfigfilepassword:[SAM Configuration File Encryption Password] - identifies password to encrypt or decrypt SAM configuration file; mandatory if SAM is not configured

/namedauthentication:[True/False] - identifies if Named User Authorization is required for SAM. Default value is True.

/sdxautherizationinstallerpath:[SDX authorization installer file path] - mandatory if SAM is not configured and namedauthentication is set to True.

/validateoauthurl:[True/False] - Indicates if the system should validate the External OAuth URL. Default is True.

/lsp: [True/False] - If set to True, loads the stored procedures (optional).

/runtimeiwa:[True/False] - If set to True, Windows authentication is used to connect to the database at runtime after site creation, instead of a system or data user (for SQL Server) (optional).

/ic: - identifies the initial catalog value (required for SQL Server).

/su: - identifies the system user having system administrator privileges (required for Oracle when /lsp is set to True).

/sp: - identifies the system password (required for Oracle when /lsp is set to True).

/ts: - identifies the tablespace to load the stored procedures (for Oracle) (optional).

/its: - identifies the index tablespace to load the stored procedures (for Oracle) (optional).

/dfg: - identifies the data filegroup for the stored procedures (for SQL Server) (optional).

/ifg: - identifies the index filegroup for the stored procedures (for SQL Server) (optional).

/ls: - identifies the license server URL (optional).

/rp: - sets the root path location (optional). Use only if a path is not already set on the server; if not set, the path defaults to C:\SDx Server Files.

/tlp - sets the path to the trace configuration log file folder location (optional). Use to change the path to a new trace log folder location; if not set, the path defaults to server trace log folder set in the configuration file.

/PropertyName: [PropertyValue] - sets property values for the site.

/mbh: - identifies the AMQP broker host name.

/mbu: - identifies the AMQP broker user name.

/mbp: - identifies the AMQP broker password.

/mbpr: - identifies the AMQP broker protocol. For example, AMQP or AMQPS.

/mbpo: - identifies the AMQP broker port.

/mbt: - identifies the AMQP extensibility topic.

When you configure a site for a AMQP broker service, all AMQP values must be set.

/sik: - Identifies the Application Insights instrumentation key on the server. When the instrumentation key is added, the server sends relevant telemetry to the Azure Monitor so you can analyze live application performance.

/das: - Disable adaptive sampling for application, cache, and config services. By default, adaptive sampling is enabled.

/sdaclienturl:[SDA Client URL] - identifies the address of the Web Client site that is used for building the full URL to objects, as in the example: /sdaclienturl:

/notificationhostname:[Notification HostName] - identifies the SSL certificate host name used in the NotificationURL from SmartPlant Markup Plus when rendition generation is complete.

/oauthissuerurl:[OAuth Issuer URL] - identifies the URL of the OAuth service; required for a custom OAuth setting.

/applicationid:[Application ID] - identifies the OAuth application ID; required for a custom OAuth setting.

/allowcredentials:[Allow Credentials] - indicates allow credentials for OAuth; optional for a custom OAuth setting.

/secret:[Secret] - identifies the OAuth secret; optional for a custom OAuth setting.

/allowedorigins:[Allowed Origins] - indicates the origins that are allowed to access data on the server; optional for a custom OAuth setting.

/baseuri:[Base URI] - indicates the base URI for OAuth; optional for a custom OAuth setting.

/EnableServerPreload:[True/False] - Provides an option to improve the system performance by priming the server on startup. When set to True, the system preloads all the worker processes once the application pools related to the selected site are recycled or when the IIS server is reset. The default is False.

In addition to the above setting, the Application Initialization item in the Add Roles and Features Wizard of the IIS web server must be installed. The EnableServerPreload property can be turned on or off without the need to uninstall the Application Initialization item.

/hhwl: - identifies a whitelist of authorized host header values that limits requests from only the domains listed.

This example creates a site called SDx that connects to an Oracle database named Data1.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /dsn:Data1 /u:SDxSvr_data /p:password /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates a site called SDx that connects to a SQL Server data source named SDx1\MSSQL with an initial catalog named SDxData.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:SQL /dsn:SDx1\MSSQL /ic:SDxData /u:Admin /p:password /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates a site called SDx that uses a secure HTTPS connection. This argument secures the application server and sets the SSL option on the SDx server, authentication service, file server, FTR server, and remote services virtual directories.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /dsn:SDxdb /u:system /p:oracle /lsp:false /se:true /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates the same site as above, using the additional optional arguments for specifying the license server and for setting the root path to Server Manager files if it has never been run on this server or if the root path has not been set.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /dsn:SDxSvr1 /u:SDxSvr_data /p:password /ls:http://myhostname/SDxLicenseServer /rp:"C:\SDx Server Files" /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

You must use quotation marks around any arguments that use spaces.

This example creates a site using the additional optional argument /tlp for specifying the path to a new trace log folder location.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDxServer /db:Oracle /dsn:SPFSvr1 /u:SPFSvr_data /p:password /ls:http://myhostname/SDxLicenseServerSDx /tlp:"C:\SDx Server File\Web_Sites\SDxServer\TraceLogs" /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates a site using additional optional arguments for loading the stored procedures and specifying Oracle tablespace and index tablespace names (the Oracle tablespace and index tablespace names can be the same).

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /dsn:SDxSvr1 /u:SDxSvr_data /p:password /lsp:True /su:System /sp: Oracle /ts:SDxSRV_Data /its:SDxSRV_Data /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates the site while also setting two properties, one that prompts the user for a log on and another that enables secure internal communications for the site.

The complete property name is required.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /dsn:orcl /db:oracle /u:system /p:oracle /DisableAutoLogin:true /se:true /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates a site called SDx that connects to a SQL Server data source named SDx1\MSSQL with an initial catalog named SDxData, an external host name, and port number 455 using HTTPS:

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:SQL /dsn:SDx1\MSSQL /ic:SDxData /u:SDx /p:password /sambaseurl:"https://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456 / /port:455 /se:true

This example uses the /log: argument to generate a log file that stores results and errors from the operation. Specify a path and file name for the target log file (an extension is not required for the file):

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /dsn:SDxSvr1 /u:SDxSvr_data /p:password /log:"C:\SDx Server Files\Temp\ServerManager\SDxcreation" /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates a site called SDx that connects to a SQL Server data source named SDx1\MSSQL with an initial catalog named SDxData and external OAuth provider:

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:SQL /dsn:SDx1\MSSQL /ic:SDxData /u:SDx /p:password /oauthissuerurl:”https://dev597594.oktapreviewcom/oauth2/ausg0871hp0DCijdr0h7” /applicationid:mysiteid /secret:gudqwe23154fcc15vew /allowcredentials:true /allowedorigins:”” /baseuri:"”

This example creates a site called SDx that connects to a SQL Server data source named SDx1\MSSQL with an initial catalog named SPFData by installing and configuring SAM:

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:SQL /dsn:SDx1\MSSQL /ic:SDxData /u:SDx /p:password /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456 /saminstallfilepath:”D:\DumpFiles\SmartAPI\SAM_setup.exe” /samconfigfilepath:”C:\temp\sam1.txt” /samconfigfilepassword:SDx@123 /namedauthentication:false

This example creates the site and uses the additional arguments to create an AMQP broker service using the AMQP protocol.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /dsn:SDxSvr /u:SDxSvr_data /p:password / /mbpr:amqp /mbpo:1234 /mbt:ext /mbu:admin /mbp:admin /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates an Oracle database site and installs the Application Insights instrumentation key on the server to analyze application performance.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /sik:1234-abcd-EFGH /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates a site called SDx2020 that has a manually configured SQL server connection string to connect to the database server.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx2020 /db:'SQLServer' /mccs:True /dbcs:"Data,1433;Initial Catalog=B;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=10;Max Pool Size=200;" /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates a site using the additional optional argument /tlp for specifying the path to a new trace log folder location.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /dsn:SDxSvr1 /u:SDxSvr_data /p:password /ls:http://myhostname/SDxLicenseServer /tlp:"C:\SDx Server Files\Web_Sites\SDxServer\TraceLogs"

This example creates a site that connects to a SQL Server data source using Windows authentication.

SDxServerManager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:SQL /dsn:SDx1\MSSQL /runtimeiwa:true /ic:SDxData /sambaseurl:https://localhost/sam /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456

This example creates a site using the additional optional argument /das to disable the adaptive sampling for application, cache, and config services.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:test_003 /db:SQLServer /dsn:localhost\sql /ic:sdxdev /u:sdxsrvr /p:password /sambaseurl:"http://localhost/sam" /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456 /das:true

This example creates a site and enables the EnableServerPreload property.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:SDx /db:SQL /dsn:localhost\sql /ic:sdxdev /u:sdxsrvr

/p:password /sambaseurl:" https://localhost/sam" 'a0 /samusername:sysadmin /sampassword:123456


This example creates a site using the additional argument /hhwl:, which adds a whitelist of host header values that limits service requests from only the domains listed.

SDxServermanager.exe /create /sn:sdxdev /hhwl:host,host2,host3