Back up a site from the command line - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Use SDxServerManager.exe with the /sitebackup command and /sn: and /sitebackuppath: arguments to back up a site. This command saves the site contents as a zip file into the given backup path.

The following optional arguments are available:

/sn:[site name] - Identifies the name of the site to be backed up. (mandatory)

/sitebackuppath:"[full path]" - Defines the target location where the backup file is saved. This path should be expressed within double quotes, as in "C:\Temp". (mandatory)

/st:[Server|WebClient|License] - Defines the site type as either a primary site ("Server"), a Web Client site, or a license site. The default is Server (a primary site). (optional)

/excludefolders:[relative path to folders] - Identifies the the folders to be excluded while creating the backup, with multiple paths separated by commas. The path is expressed relative to the location of the site's root files. The Files folder is excluded by default. (optional)

This example copies a backup of the server site named SDxSite1:

SDxServermanager.exe /sitebackup /sn:SDxSite1 /sitebackuppath:”C:\Temp”

This example copies a backup of the web client site named SPFWC1:

SDxServermanager.exe /sitebackup /sn:SDxWC1 /sitebackuppath:”C:\Temp” /st:WebClient

This example copies a backup of the site named SPFSite1 excluding TraceLogs and SDx\Server folders

SDxServermanager.exe /sitebackup /sn:SDxSite1 /sitebackuppath:”C:\Temp” /st:Server /excludefolders:TraceLogs,SDx\Server