Server Manager has several Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) settings specifically for the configuration of server extensibility for a third-party system.
AMQPBroker-HostName - The host name of the server on which the AMQP broker is installed.
AMQPBroker-UserName - The user name to connect to the AMQP broker to send the events.
AMQPBroker-Password - The password used to connect to the AMQP broker to send the events.
AMQPBroker-Protocol - The protocol used by the AMQP broker; the AMQP protocol or the AMQPS prototcol for an SSL enabled site. The default is AMQP.
If you use AMPQS protocol, you must ensure that your AMQP broker is configured with the correct SSL settings.
AMQPBroker-Port - The port used to connect to the AMQP broker. The default is 5672 for AMQP protocol or 5671 for AMQPS protocol.
If you use an Azure Service Bus, you can use port 443, which creates the AMQP connection using WebSocket protocol.
AMQPBroker-ExtensibilityTopic - The extensibility topic to which the AMQP broker sends the extensibility events. The default is ext.