Extensibility communication events - HxGN SDx - Update 68 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

HxGN SDx Extensibility

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Administration & Configuration

The SDx Web Client uses a third-party Paypal library around the HTML post.message method to send secure event communications. Using the Paypal post-robot (version 8) library overcomes the many limitations of using HTML post.message.

The extensibility application in an iframe can send and receive the following communication events:

Init - This event includes the following contextual information:

  • The SDx URL, which includes the full domain and pathname.

  • The method and information about all of its parameters.

  • Object OBIDs of any selected contextural objects.

  • The configurations the user has currently set.

  • The user's preferences.

loading - This event lets you turn the loading indicator on or off.

actionMenu - This event lets you open or close the Actions menu. It can include data as a single object or as multiple objects.

Token information ("getToken) - This event allows the extensibility application to retrieve the access token so it can make http requests.

For more information on usage, see the samples that are available on Smart Community. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.