Optional drill-down lookups - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Workspaces

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HxGN EAM Version

An optional drill-down is available when selecting the To and From Workspace. The user can drill-down using the lookups for Campus, Building, Floor, Room/Unit and then Workspace. Campus, Building, Floor, Room/Unit are part of the Property Definition feature. The user can set this feature by creating records on the Class screen for the equipment (OBJ) entities. A Property Definition field is made available for OBJ entities.

To set up Property Definitions, enter the details for the desired Organizations.

  • Entity = OBJ

  • Class = "Campus Class"

  • Description = "Campus Description"

  • Property Definition = Campus

Follow the same above procedure for Building, Floor, and Room/Unit as needed. The Property Definitions can now be associated to an equipment records by entering the proper Class value.