Running the AddWorkOrder project - HxGN EAM - 12.0 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

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Edit config/log4j.xml: set the file path to a valid value


This file contains that data necessary to connect to the server and create the work order. All values in this file are required.

  • wsdlpath: fully qualified path to the AddWorkOrder wsdl file.

  • webserviceurl: set the host and port as appropriate; the path should be left unchanged.

  • sysuserid/password: These credentials will be inserted into the SOAP header and serve to authenticate the request on the server. This user must have Connector privileges (User Setup screen).

  • tenant: used in the SOAP header of the request.

  • soaporganization: used in the SOAP header of the request. This value should normally be set to ‘*.’

  • workorderorg: the organization of the work order. The sample assumes multiorg is enabled.

  • workordertype: the appropriate UCODE for the Work Order Type.

  • Statuscode: the appropriate UCODE for the Work Order Event status

  • equipcode: the name of an existing asset

  • equiporg: the organization associated with the asset

  • createdbyuserid: this user will be recorded as the creator of the work order.

  • returnalerts: if true, the SOAP body of the response from the server will have two children: the work order response and an InformationAlert with a more verbose message. A SOAP body with more than one child may cause problems in some environments. To disable the information alerts in the response, set this value to false.

  • wocount: the number of work orders to create.