Logon types - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Single Sign-On

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

HxGN EAM supports the following strategies for authenticating a user during the login process:

  • Standard logon: HxGN EAM prompts for a username and password, which are checked against the database.

  • LDAP logon: HxGN EAM prompts for a username and password. These credentials are used to connect to an LDAP server to authenticate the user.

  • External logon: HxGN EAM does not prompt for username/password. Instead, the user is redirected to an external server which is responsible for authentication.

  • Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant (ROPC) logon: This mode of logon is only supported for SOAP/REST Web Services in HxGN EAM. In this mode, the authentication is carried out using the ROPC flow of OpenID Connect.

  • OpenID Connect Authorization Code Grant: This mode of login is only supported for SOAP/REST Web Services in HxGN EAM. The details about this authentication are presented in the HxGN EAM Open ID Connect technical brief.

  • Internal Authentication Mode: In this mode of login, the credentials are validated against the database irrespective of the value of the LGNEAM or LGNCON install parameters. This mode of login is supported for Web login and SOAP/REST Web Services in HxGN EAM.

These logon types may be configured for each tenant, and for each product within a given tenant. Different tenant/product combinations may freely mix the logon types in any desired combination.