Call Center Setup screen - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Service Requests

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Call Center Setup screen determines the behavior of the Call Center screen. You can specify this behavior per Organization.

The Call Center Default Value options include the following:

  1. Default Source—System Codes entity "CRSC." Determines the default Source of the Service Request in insert mode. Can be overruled on the Call Center screen at any time. Other fields with a similar purpose on this setup screen are:

  2. Default Type—System Codes type entity "COTP."

  3. Default Find Contact By

  4. Use Default Organization—When the call center users enter most service request for their default organization it is beneficial to select this checkbox. The default Organization will be filled in automatically on the new service request. If you are in insert mode it can still be changed. If there is a variety of organizations that the user enters requests for it may be better to start with the Organization field empty.

  5. Default WO Status—The status assigned to the work order when the work order is created from the Call Center screen. The selected Service Code of the service request may overrule this status.

  6. Default WO Org.—When a work order is created from the Call Center screen the Organization of that work order may be determined by this selection. Since the work order organization is determined by the service request organization this setup value only plays a role if the organization of the service request is not valid for the work order, meaning it is common. And even then, the relevance of this field is low since the system will determine the work order organization based on the following service request fields in the specified sequence:

    • Service Request Organization if specific

    • Else Service Code Organization is specific

    • Else Equipment Organization is specific

    • Else WO Class Organization is specific

    • And last, and in this case also least, the Default WO Org from this setup screen.

  7. Default Source from Portal—System Codes entity "CRSC." Determines the default Source if the request was entered on the Service Request Portal. If this field is left blank, then Default Source will be used instead. Value can be overruled on the Call Center screen at any time.

  8. Default Type from Portal—System Codes type entity "COTP." Determines the default Type if the request was entered on the Service Request Portal. If this field is left blank, then Default Type will be used instead. Value can be overruled on the Call Center screen at any time.

  9. Default Status from Portal—System Codes status entity "COST." Determines the default Status if the request was entered on the Service Request Portal. If this field is left blank then the default Open status, as defined on the System Codes screen, will be used instead. Value can be overruled on the Call Center screen at any time.

The Call Center Functional options include the following:

  1. Open Request Status when WO Closes—When the associated work order is completed and when the service request system status is still ‘Open,’ then the service request status will change to the selection made for this field.

  2. Follow-up Request Status when WO Closes—When the associated work order is completed and when the service request system status is still ‘Follow-up,’ then the service request status will change to the selection made for this field.

  3. Top Ten Lookback Days—System displays a list of the top ten Knowledge Base Articles on the Call Center screen in the Bulletin Board section. The more a Knowledge Base Article is used on a service request, the higher the ranking. This parameter determines if a service request that was entered a few days ago should be included in this calculation or not.

    The top ten is determined by a batch job. You must activate this job (Top 10 Knowledge Base Article Driver) on the Job Setup screen.

  4. Minimum Penalty—Penalty is used throughout the call center functionality, but HxGN EAM does not have a method to determine or report on penalties. This feature was provided as a baseline so that HxGN EAM customers can introduce their own method of calculating and handling such penalties.

  5. Service Code Validation—Determine for this Organization whether the Service Code Validation is Department Structure or SDM or Simplified SDM. See above for an explanation on these three different validation methods.

  6. Event Log Type Filter—If not selected the system will not filter any records on the Event Log screen from the Call Center. Otherwise, it will only show records that match the settings entered on the Event Log Type Filter screen.

    On the System Codes screen use entity "CRET" to create event log types. Also note that only user defined values with system code ‘U’ can be used to filter.

  7. Allow Request to be Closed while WO is Open—If selected the service request can be closed even though the associated work order is still open.

  8. Populate Contact Information on Unsuccessful Search—On the Call Center screen when you search on first name ‘Piet’ the system may not find anybody. When this option is selected the system fill populate the First Name field on the Call Center screen with ‘Piet’ after an unsuccessful search, otherwise the field will remain blank. This works similar for searches on other fields like Last Name, Phone, etc.

  9. Allow New Contact to be Saved on Service Request—If selected the system will allow the help desk person to create a Contact Information record, directly from the Call Center screen.

  10. Use Department Structure Values Only Once—See above in the section on Department Structure.

Duplicate WO Check options include the following:

  1. Enable Duplicate WO Check—If selected the Call Center screen will show a list of duplicate work orders before it creates a new one. You can then decide to create a new work order anyway or decide to link the service request to an existing work order. When this field is selected you can also enter the following fields that all help control how duplicate work orders are identified:

    1. Days to Show Closed WOs—Option to include work orders that were closed recently. Show no closed work orders if this is blank, 0 means only show work orders closed today, 1 means show work orders closed today and yesterday, etc. This is useful when calls continue to trickle in after a problem has been corrected.

      This option only works for the completed status codes included in the WO Statuses field.

    2. Days to Show Open WOs—Option to limit work orders based on the number of days elapsed since it was created. Show all open work orders if this is blank, 0 means only show work orders created today, 1 means show work orders created today and yesterday, etc.

      This option only works for the open status codes included in the WO Statuses field.

    3. WO Types—Option will limit work orders based on the selected types. Blank means all types will be included.

    4. WO Statuses—Option will limit work orders based on the selected statuses. Blank means all status codes will be included.

    5. Match WO Header Equipment Only—Option will only show work orders if the work order header equipment matches the equipment selected on the service request.

    6. Match Equipment on WO Header or Equipment Tab—Option will show work orders if the work order header equipment or any equipment on the Equipment tab matches the equipment selected on the service request.

    7. Match Service Category—Option to only show work orders where the service category matches that of the service request.

    8. Match Service Code—Option to only show work orders where the service code matches that of the service request.

  2. Check Duplicate Open Requests—When selected at insert of a new service request the system will automatically check for duplicate service requests that are still open (not closed or cancelled) with matching equipment and service code.

  3. Check Recurring Closed Requests—When selected at insert of a new service request the system will automatically check for recurring service requests that are closed with matching equipment and service code.

  4. Recurring Request Lookback Days—Recurring requests are only listed if their request date is greater than today’s date minus the value you enter in this field.

For each organization you can also define the following:

  • Equipment Usability Codes on the tab with the same name. Equipment could be down, running at slow speed, etc.

  • GIS attributes on the tab with the same name. Here you can select polygon layer attributes to be displayed on the Call Center screen. These attributes are information based only on the customer’s address. Examples include Council Representative, Garbage Pickup Day, Schools, or other general information. These fields can be displayed on the Call Center screen as soon as an address is selected, reducing the need to search for commonly requested information. You can assign an Alias to each attribute. The attribute names in GIS are normally codes, which may not be suitable for display on the Call Center screen. If supplied, the alias will be used as a field name.