SG-3576 Export Configuration | Export Web Service Prompts - Do not allow web service prompts associated with User Defined Screens to export |
Description |
*Source Build:* # User Defined Screen - create UDS TUTEST # Create second UDS, TUTES1, as tab on WSJOBS # Export Configuration | Export Web Service Prompts - Run data spy, TUTEST and TUTES1 are displayed. # Select these 2 records and export it. *Destination Build:* 5. Import Configuration screen - import above file. Now TUTES1 record imported successfully. *Source Build:* 6. Configuration Manager â€" Export, select only User Defined Screens option then export the zip. *Destination Build:* 7. Configuration Manager â€" Import, use above zip and import the zip. TUTES1 is added in the User Defined Screens. 8. User Defined Screen - Select TUTES1 record, Click the Generate button. *Expected Result:* User Defined Screen will be generated without error *Actual Result:* “Record already exists†error alert pops. Basically here, Export Configuration |Export Web Service Prompts tab should not show Web Service Prompt records belongs to User Defined Screens. |