SG-3802 Alert management - emails are not sent when using space as separator instead of ; - HxGN EAM - - Release Bulletin - Hexagon

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SG-3802 Alert management - emails are not sent when using space as separator instead of ;


Since EAM 12.0 the ; is not recommended as seperator for emails anymore. But when using space as seperator in alert management emails, the error:

The e-mail address is missing or invalid. Constraint violation on field per_code on table r5personnel.

This separator is working via the email messenger module (email notification-email viewer).

*Actual results*

Space as email address separator runs into an error

*Expected results*

Should be excepted

*Steps to reproduce*

1. Setup an email template with variable %1 in recipients field

2. Create a grid (please use example) on r5events with a UDFCHAR that will contain the email addresses

3. Use grid in alert management

4. Add parameter %1 as recipient (it should be associated to the UDFCHAR)

5. Create a work order and add 2 email addresses in the UDF

6. Run alert management record (by activating it and doing a schedule)

7. Checkout History tab