SG-4000 Hazard | Precautions - Revision control For hazard does not let me add precautions - HxGN EAM - - Release Bulletin - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Resolved Issues for 2023

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SG-4000 Hazard | Precautions - Revision control For hazard does not let me add precautions


In the Revision Control setup screen I have set Add and Delete precaution to not protected.

However, on an approved Hazard, I cannot add a new precaution but I can delete an existing one.

Steps to reproduce

* Revision Control setup - Open hazards tab and make sure Add and Delete Precaution is not set to protected

* Go to the Hazards screen - create a new one, add a Precaution on Precautions tab and ste to request for approval. Then approve.

* On Hazards screen, create a new revision, approve that one too. On that approved revision, try to add a precaution. Not possible