SG-4076 CLONE - GIS | Synchronize Attributes - Unable to cast object of type GIS.WS.GISWS.PositionEquipment to type 'GIS.WS.GISWS.AssetEquipment - HxGN EAM - - Release Bulletin - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Resolved Issues for 2023

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SG-4076 CLONE - GIS | Synchronize Attributes - Unable to cast object of type GIS.WS.GISWS.PositionEquipment to type 'GIS.WS.GISWS.AssetEquipment


When running the View Discrepancies button from the Synchronize Attributes functionality, for Positions and with the ArcGIS Pro Add-In, the system throws an error message stating “_Unable to cast object of type GIS.WS.GISWS.PositionEquipment to type 'GIS.WS.GISWS.AssetEquipment

*Steps to reproduce:*

# Open ArcGIS Pro

# select the Infor EAM Add-In tab

# select a layer and select specific features that have been modified earlier on ArcGIS PRo, that then need to be synchronized with the existing EAM Positions records

# click on Synchronize Attribute from the toolbar, and check _Consider only feature selected on the map_.

# click View Discrepancies

*Expected result:*

records should be returned on the list, to then be able to synchronize the discrepancies, as those have been modified

*Actual result:*

the system just generates the error message above