SG-4126 CLONE - Invoice Vouchers - Voucher Total is calculated incorrectly after status changed to Pre-match - HxGN EAM - - Release Bulletin - Hexagon

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SG-4126 CLONE - Invoice Vouchers - Voucher Total is calculated incorrectly after status changed to Pre-match


Invoice (Foreign currency: USD , Org currency HKD) has extra Charges/Discount, after status changed to Pre-match, the extra Charges/Discount is converted into Org currency value and added into Voucher Total resulting in incorrect values.

Steps :

# Set install parameter INVECINC to COPY.

# Go to Organization, create a new organization HK-ORG and set currency = HKD

# Go to Purchase Order, create a new PO = PO10162. Organization = HK-ORG, Supplier = ˜APPLIED. Supplier currency is USD so the exchange rate is defaulted to 0,1279.

## Click on Part, add Line 10 for Part = 10002.

## Click on Actions > Extra Charges/Discount. Add line 10, Amount = -5

## Go back to Record View and change status to Approve

## Right-click on PO and Receive All Parts.

# Go to Invoice Voucher, create a new Invoice = ˜10000. Organization = ˜HK-ORG, Purchase Order = ˜PO10162.

## Go to Lines tab. Click on Actions > Import Lines. Purchase Order-Line is auto selected.

## Go back to Record View and will see the fields for Currency = ˜USD, Exchange Rate = 0,1279. Lines subtotal = 50,00, Extra Charges/Discount = -5,00, Voucher Total = 45,00

## In Record View, change invoice status from ˜Unfinished to ˜Pre match. Voucher Total changed to 10,91 which is incorrect.

Actual Results : Voucher Total calculated incorrectly

Expected Results : Voucher Total should be calculated in same currency as Invoice currency.