SG-1994 CLONE - Physical Inventory | Parts - Expected Qty column will show after Reset Screen pressed and PIEXPQTY set to NO - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

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SG-1994 CLONE - Physical Inventory | Parts - Expected Qty column will show after Reset Screen pressed and PIEXPQTY set to NO


1 - Go to Administration - Security - Install Parameters

2- Verify PIEXPQTY is set to NO

3- Go to Materials - Transactions - Physical Inventory

4- Pick any unfinished record

5- Go to Parts Tab and confirm Expected Qty is not showing

6- Click Reset Screen icon

7- Expected QTY will show

8- Go to any other record and the Expected QTY will not show until Reset Screen is clicked

9- Same for original record

Use case notes:

h3. 1.1.1Â Â Install Parameter PIEXPQTY = NO

If PIEXPQTY = NO, the system will not display the expected quantity when a physical inventory is performed (in base EAM).