AM-55470 CLONE - Parts | Monthly Part Usage Chart - not showing data from previous 5 months. - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Resolved Issues for 2022

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AM-55470 CLONE - Parts | Monthly Part Usage Chart - not showing data from previous 5 months.


Monthly Part Usage Chart is only showing the current month data (January 2022). It is no showing data from the previous 5 months in 2021.

h4. Actual results

Only current month data is shown

h4. Expected results

Current month and previous 5 months data

h4. Steps to reproduce

1. Go to materials - parts

2. Select a part with transactions in 2021 (and 2022)

3. Open tab Monthly Part Usage Chart

4. It will only show data from January 2022 (and a question mark on the left bottom of the report)

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