EAM-55187 CLONE - Generate WOs | Preview | Generate - unable to retrieve text error in stead of french standard message - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

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EAM-55187 CLONE - Generate WOs | Preview | Generate - unable to retrieve text error in stead of french standard message


When using the Generate WOs module, the foreign language error message are not shown correctly. The error is Unable to retrieve text in stead of the error message from r5errtexts.

Eg. the english error message is :

The related PM is locked by PM Forecasting session :PARAM1.

the french one is :

La MP associée est verrouillée par la session Prévisions MP : PARAM1.

The english one is correctly show : The related PM is locked by PM Forecasting session 10188

The french one is not shown correctly: Unable to retrieve

The log shows :

Error Code:|50000|, Msg:|FIXEDBEGINLa MP associ饠est verrouill饠par la session Pr鶩sions MP : PARAM1.FIXEDEND|

2021-11-03 09:12:44,700 DEBUG default task-1 [com.dstm.common.tracelog.TraceLog] [FRGRE-SQL1_EAM116_00014:R6:459426] 11/3/21 9:12:44.700 TRACE User= Method=com.dstm.mp.mpentity.work.tempworkorder.TempWorkOrderEntity.callO7CREVT2

h4. Actual result

Unable to retrieve text error instead of standard message

h4. Expect result

Standard foreign language should be shown

h4. Steps to reproduce

1. Go to work - process - generate wos with a french user

2. Select the PM FR01.LABEL-0013, duplicate type

3. Hit Preview

4. Select a record

5. Click generate

6. A popup is shown saying that an error occured

6. Checkout the error message on the right of the screen: unable to retrieve text

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