EAM-54975 Parts | Transactions - transactions of type Stock take do not have time in Date column - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Hexagon

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EAM-54975 Parts | Transactions - transactions of type Stock take do not have time in Date column


Please execute these steps :

- Create a condition enabled part

- Create Store and stock on condition A

- create store record for condition B

- Go to the part screen - stock tab and select the condition A line

- Click on action --> Change part condition

- choose a condition and qty 1 to transfer to new condition

It creates a transaction with 2 transaction lines of type Stock take

The problem is that for these transaction lines, the date hasn't the hour and minutes information while the hours and minutes are available if you look for the Stock take transaction in the Physical Inventory screen.

EAM-54993 CLONE - Work Orders | Book Vendor Hours - No records are retrieving after upgrade to 11.7