SG-8940 - HxGN EAM - - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Resolved Issues for 12.1 202401

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Release Notes/Bulletin
HxGN EAM Version

SG-8940 CLONE - Purchasing Contracts | Parts - Issue when UOP = UOM but Qty per UOP is different


In the Purchasing Contracts screen, Parts tab, you can enter UOM = UOP but with a Qty. per UOP <> 1. You can save this without any problems.

If you then create PO for this part and you try to save your PO line, you’ll get the error.

The Purchase Qty. (UOP) and the Requested Qty. (UOM) have the same unit of measure. The Qty. Per UOP must be 1.

This error should already been shown on the Parts tab of the Purchasing Contracts screen.

*Steps to Reproduce*

  • Purchasing Contracts - create Purchasing contract for a supplier XXX

  • Purchasing Contracts | Parts tab - add part with UOP and UOM = EA and qty per uop = 100, enter a price. Save

  • Purchasing Contracts - Approve the contract

  • Purchase Orders - create a PO for your supplier XXX

  • Purchase Orders | Parts - enter the part code from your contract and try to save. You’ll get the above error