SG-8586 - HxGN EAM - - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Resolved Issues for 12.1 202401

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Release Notes/Bulletin
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SG-8586 CLONE - ION/Databridge - WorkFlow for Requisition status update no longer working


#Send Sync Requisitions outbound from EAM with status awaiting approval

#This is received in ION and goes through a workflow which approves the req

#Requisition moves from the workflow through ION as a Process Requisition to EAM that changes status to approved.

*Expected Result*

- Requisition is approved in EAM.

*Actual result*

- Acknowledgement is status of rejected with the error in ION. 'Error in processing Requisition 28594. For EAM entity ImportRequisition 28594 & TRIPLEM. The current status does not allow updates for user defined fields and custom fields. Error trace: ModelProcessorException caught. - More details: MPAdaptorException in RequsitionModelProcessor.process - More details: FunctionBatchException from level one call. - More details: ReqDef - Main cause'