Creating operator checklist results for equipment - HxGN EAM - 12.2 - Help

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View and create checklist results for equipment and associated task plans on this form rather than the Checklist tab of the Work Order form. Optionally, create follow-up work orders or deferred maintenance activities for checklist items on this screen. After an operator checklist is created, complete or cancel it on this screen.

  1. Select Work > Additional Features > Operator Checklist > Operator Checklist.

  2. Specify this information:

    Organization - Specify the organization of the operator of the checklist you are creating.

    Equipment - Specify the equipment for which to create or view the checklist results.

    Task Plan - Specify the task plan of the equipment.

  3. Click Create Checklist. Operator Checklist Number and Created By are automatically populated.

  4. Specify this information to modify the checklist items:

    Job - Optionally, specify the job for which to modify operator checklist results, or select Show All Records to display all of the checklist items for the task plan, including pre-planned jobs or a job created specifically for the task plan.

    If the task plan Planning Level is set to Job Plan, select the job for which to create a planned labor record.

    Alternately, if the task plan Planning Level is set to Task Plan and Job is set to Show All Records all of the records for the selected task plan are displayed.

    Performed By - Specify the person performing the checklist.

    Reviewed By - Specify the person reviewing the checklist.

  5. Specify results of the checklist based on the checklist item:


    • Select the check box if Type is Checklist Item.

    • Select Yes or No if Type is Question.

    • Specify Finding if Type is Qualitative.

    • Specify Value if Type is Quantitative or Meter Reading.

    • Specify Finding and Value if Type is Inspection.

    Notes - Include any relevant notes for the checklist item results.

  6. Optionally, select the Final Occ. check box if the results entered represent the final occurrence of the specific checklist item. This only applies to repeating checklist items.

  7. Optionally, select the Follow-up check box for specific checklist items to later generate follow-up work orders for the checklist item.

  8. Click Actions, and then select Create Follow-up WO to generate follow-up work orders for all checklist items of the selected operator checklist record where Follow-up is selected and where Follow-up WO-Activity and Deferred Maintenance No. are not populated.

  9. Click Actions, and then select Create Deferred Maintenance to generate a deferred maintenance activities record for the organization of the selected operator checklist, and the department of the equipment on the selected operator checklist.

  10. Choose one of the following options

    Move to Complete - Select to indicate the checklist is complete. The status is updated to Complete Status.

    Move to Cancel - Select to cancel the checklist. The status is updated to Cancel Status.

  11. Click Submit.