Creating work requests - HxGN EAM - 12.2 - Help

HxGN EAM Requestor User

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HxGN EAM Version

Create work requests for equipment that needs repairs, and then supervisors or authorized employees can either approve or reject them.

Requestor users do not have access to functions involving custom fields.

  1. Select Work > Work Requests.

  2. Specify this information:

    Description - Specify a description of the work request.

    Equipment - Specify an equipment number.

    Department - Specify the department.

    Safety - Select the check box if this work requires special safety precautions.

    Location - Specify the parent location of the work to be done.

    Type - Specify the type of work request.

    Class - Specify the class of the work request.

    Status - Specify the status of the work request. As a Requestor user, you can only select Q.

    Priority - Specify the priority of the work request.

    Sched. Start Date - Specify the scheduled start date of the work request.

    Cost Code - Specify the cost code for the work request.

    Problem Code - Specify the code to identify the type of problem.

    Assigned To - Specify the person responsible for the work.

    Requested By - Specify the employee requesting the work.

    Date Reported - Specify the date the work request was reported.

    Req. Start Date - Specify the requested date to begin the work.

  3. Click Submit.

    • Click Submit and Add Another to create another request after the first request is submitted.

    • Click Reset to reset all values on the page to the last saved values.