Defining quick filters on lookups - HxGN EAM - 12.2 - Help

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Filter a list of records on lookups to display only those records that meet your specified criteria.

The system applies the filter in addition to any filter criteria specified in a Dataspy that is applied to the list.

  1. Open any form containing a list of records.

  2. Select the Filter field on which to filter from the first drop-down list.

    For forms that include custom fields, the custom fields are displayed at the end of the filter drop-down list. Only custom fields associated to the entity of the screen AND associated to a class with an organization for which the user has query rights will be displayed. If more than one entity exists for the screen, then only the primary entity will be used.

  3. Select an operator from the second drop-down list. See the following table for operator options:



    Starts With

    Search for items with a description that begins with the entered value


    Search for items with a value equal to the entered value.

    Does Not Equal

    Search for items with a description that does not equal the entered value.


    Search for items with a description that contains the entered value.

    Does Not Contain

    Search for items with a description that does not contain the entered value.

    Ends With

    Search for items with a description that ends with the entered value.

    Is Empty

    Search for items with a description that has no entered value.

    Is Not Empty

    Search for items with a description that has any entered value.

    Less Than

    Search for items with a value less than the entered value.

    Greater Than

    Search for items with a value greater than the entered value.

    Less Than or Equals

    Search for items with a value less than or equal to the entered value.

    Greater Than or Equals

    Search for items with a value greater than or equal to the entered value.

  4. Enter the value for which to filter in the third field.

    If the field on which you are filtering is displayed on a Record View page, the third field in the quick filter will appear according to that field type: text box, drop-down list, lookup, check box, or calendar.

  5. Click Add Line to add additional lines to the filter.

  6. Click the AND/OR hyperlink to select one of the following join operators:



    Include records that include all joined conditions

    Select AND.

    Include records that contain one or the other condition

    Select OR.

  7. Click ( or ) to add a parenthesis to the highlighted row. These parentheses are used when running a query to group statements together when mixing AND and OR statements.

  8. Specify additional conditions by which to filter as necessary.

  9. Select the Default Dataspy check box to make the Dataspy the default Dataspy for the form.

  10. Click Run.

    You can also press ENTER to display the records matching the filter criteria.