SG-9086 Base - After activating a Cloud environment, organization * keeps the USD currency even if EUR was selected as DEFCURR - HxGN EAM - - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

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SG-9086 Base - After activating a Cloud environment, organization * keeps the USD currency even if EUR was selected as DEFCURR


When the customer activates a new Cloud tenant, they need to give the values for install parameters PRICELEV and DEFCURR.

For example the European customers normally give EUR as currency, but the * organization will keep the currency USD and if the customer does not notice this quick enough, and there are already PO and WO transaction, changing the currency with a flex (as the currency field is read-only) may cause data inconsistency.

Should there not be a script in the activation process that would set the * org currency to the DEFCURR value immediately when DEFCURR value is set.

Current behavior - * organization currency will always be USD, after activation

Expected behavior - organization currency inherits the DEFCURR value, or there is also a prompt to set it in the activation process