SG-9202 ItemMaster - Outbound BOD does not contain store information when Track by Condition is checked for parent part |
Description |
# Install Parameters - @SYNCITEM = T; @UPDINV = A # Parts - Create a new part and check Track by Condition and populate Part Condition Template and save # Stores tab - Add a store to the part and save *Actual Results:* Message Status screen has only one outbound ItemMaster BOD that does not contain the store infomation for the parent part. *Expected Results:* Message Status to have second ItemMaster BOD that contains the store infomation for the parent part. DATABRIDGE IMPACT NOTE: For track by condition parts, child part's partstore or partprice change will also trigger parent part outbound and parent outbound will include all its children part's PartPrice and PartStore records. For inbound: Add eam.PartConditionTemplateCode, eam.PartConditionTemplateOrganizationID, eam.ParentPart, eam.PartConditionTemplateConditionCode to ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea. Add eam.PartConditionTemplateConditionCode, eam.StockQty to ItemMaster/ItemLocation/UserArea. END OF DATABRIDGE IMPACT NOTE |