SG-9289 Equipment(A/P/S/L) - The count query is not working when screen is setup to use a single class - HxGN EAM - - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

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SG-9289 Equipment(A/P/S/L) - The count query is not working when screen is setup to use a single class


When using the Single Class setup, on for example OSOBJP, only Positions belonging to that specific class will be shown and only Positions in that specific class can be created.

When using, on List view, the count ‘123’ function, the count will show all records and not only the filtered records.

Steps to reproduce

* On Screen setup screen, query for OSOBJP

* Add Controlling Org = * and Class = PUMP

* Go to the Positions screen, list view, and query for all records. In My case only 2 Positions existed in the Pump class and showed. When pressing ‘123’ the message said 3794 records

Expected Result = message should count the filtered records