SG-9517 User Defined Screens - Free format text field adds empty line. - HxGN EAM - - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

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SG-9517 User Defined Screens - Free format text field adds empty line.


*Steps to Add a Free Format Text Field to a User Defined Screen:*

# Navigate to Administration | Screen Configuration | User Defined Screen.

# Select/Create a User Defined Screen. (ex. Element Inspection Data)

# Go to the Fields Tab.

# Select Add Field.

# Define the Field Type as a Free format text field.

# Fill in all required fields in the Field Details.

# Then Save.

*Steps to Reproduce Issue:*

# Navigate to the User Defined Screen above.

## Ex. Denver Groups | Bridges | Inspections | Element Inspection Data

# Select a record.

# Go to the created Free format text field.

# Add some text into the field.

# Then Save Record.

*Expected Results:*

The field text is saved and no extra lines or space is added.

*Actual Results:*

The field text is saved but extra lines and spaces are added when selecting the field.