Historical Temperatures tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Regions and Degree Days

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Historical Temperatures tab is totally dedicated to providing a baseline, that is, an historical perspective of temperatures and the calculated Degree Days, over time, relating to specific days-of-the-year.

The records will initially be populated from data acquired offline and uploaded to the system by the Upload Utility. Users may modify/clear data but the 366 record structures remains intact

System defaults values:

  • Day of Year is populated with the cardinal number for the day of the year (1 – 366)

  • Month is populated with the cardinal number for the month of the year (1-12)

  • Day is populated with the cardinal number for the day of the month (1-31)

The user may change the value of either the Temperature Minimum or the Temperature Maximum, or both (in Fahrenheit or Celsius as selected in Record View).

  • The Temperature Average will be recalculated (in Fahrenheit or Celsius as selected in Record View).

  • The Heating Degree Days value and the Cooling Degree Days value will be recalculated (in Fahrenheit or Celsius as selected in Record View).