Configuring INIT.ORA or SPFILE for the Data Warehouse - HxGN EAM - 12.2 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Oracle Database Installation & Upgrade

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If you are using the Data Warehouse, Hexagon strongly recommends that you set the STAR_TRANSORMATION_ENABLED parameter to TRUE in the INIT.ORA or SPFILE file to optimize your Oracle instance for the Data Warehouse.

If you are using the SPFILE instead of the INIT.ORA file, database parameters are set using the alter system command. For example, login to SQL*Plus as a sysdba user and issue the following command from a command prompt to change the STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED to TRUE in the SPFILE and the instance:

Alter system set STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED=TRUE scope=spfile;