Install the database by running the scripts in the following table, one at a time, as the EAM user you created previously. The scripts are located on the hard drive in the directory created earlier. Check the log files for errors after each script. Searching for the strings "ORA-" and "PLS-" can assist in locating errors.
Script |
Function |
10tb122i.sql |
Creates the EAM table structure. The database tables are stored in the default tablespace for the EAM Oracle schema, using storage parameters defined in the 7iset.sql file. |
20ip122.dmp |
Contains "seed" data for the application. Import this dump file with this command imp user/password@alias full=y file=20ip122.dmp log=20ip122.log ignore=y where <user> = the EAM Oracle schema, <alias> = the database alias for the Oracle instance to be used. Make sure that the log file shows a list of imported tables. Including ignore=y on the command line is necessary. |
22lc122i.sql |
Sets the flags for the installed modules and options. This script will call the 26lc122i.sql script, which populates the system with basic data. When the 7idef.sql script contains an error, the script will stop, state the problem, and ask to correct it. When this happens, edit the 7idef.sql script and restart the 26lc122i.sql script. |
40dn122i.sql |
Contains statements that populate several tables. |
50cs122i.sql |
Creates table constraints, indexes, and sequences. Reads the index tablespace from a small script generated by the 00cu122i.sql script or from the 7iset.sql file (7iset.sql takes precedence). When no valid index tablespace can be determined, the user is prompted for one. |
60prc122.sql |
Creates database procedures, functions, packages, and views. |
70trg122.sql |
Creates database triggers. |
7icomp.sql |
To be run to recompile any invalid database objects; however, these invalid database objects should not be present at the end of the database installation. Run the next scripts from this SQLPlus session or from a new session. |
80ed122i.sql |
Updates some setting and metadata according to the version of the product. |
7icomp.sql |
To be run to recompile any invalid database objects; however, these invalid database objects should not be present at the end of the database installation. Run the next scripts from this SQLPlus session or from a new session. |