Travel time to a WO activity can be tracked and a booked labor record created to represent the time.
Travel timers must be configured to be enabled for the dispatched crew/employee before they can be used. See Notes below for details.
The crew/employee will start the travel timer before starting the drive to the selected WO activity. If Start Travel Timer is clicked, the system will:
Display a travel timer callout for the WO activity. The callout will include a running HH:MM timer, Stop, and Remove buttons.
Delete the record in the R5FLEETBOOKLABOR table.
Create a travel timer record in the R5FLEETBOOKLABOR table that indicates a travel timer is running.
The crew/employee will stop the travel time timer when they arrive at the WO activity location. If the Stop button is clicked, the system will:
Stop the travel timer.
Close the travel timer callout.
Display a success message.
Create a booked labor record to represent the travel time using the travel time tracking options selected on the Dispatch Setup record.
The crew/employee will Remove (i.e., delete) the travel time timer if it was started by mistake or they would like to delete the timer for other reasons. If the Remove button is clicked and confirming the Remove action, the system will:
Stop the travel timer.
Close the travel timer callout.
Delete the record in the R5FLEETBOOKLABOR table.
No book labor record will be created.
The HH:MM indicator for the travel timer is the same the activity timer on the Activities page for Work Order. It will only display down to the minutes, so the timer value will remain on 00:00 until the first minute passes. However, if the travel timer callout is displayed, the timer is running.
Only 1 travel timer can be running for the crew/employee at a time. If a travel timer is already running for the crew/employee (i.e., the travel timer callout is displayed), the Start Travel Timer option will be hidden for other WO activities on this screen.
If Travel Time Tracking is enabled for the Dispatch Setup record whose organization matches the organization of the dispatched crew/employee (or crew/employee if dispatch setup options are overridden), then the Start Travel Timer option will be displayed, and a booked labor record will be created to track the travel time. Else, this option will be hidden.
The Dispatch Setup travel time tracking options allow travel time booked labor records to be created against the WO activity to which the crew/employee is traveling, to a ‘standing WO activity’ to which all travel time for crews/employees is booked, or the travel time can be booked as non-WO time.
The book labor record will reference the Type and Book Labor Description from the Dispatch Setup record (or crew/employee if dispatch setup options are overridden).
If the Track Travel Time options on the Dispatch Setup record have been overridden for the crew/employee (i.e., Override Dispatch Setup check box is selected), the travel time options will come from the crew/employee instead. It is also possible to disable travel time tracking for a specific crew/employee (i.e., Disable Travel Time Tracking check box is selected on crew/employee).
Because travel time records are stored in R5FLEETBOOKLABOR, and labor is always booked for the employee starting the timer (i.e., there is no way to start an activity timer and the booked labor is created for the employee who started the timer), travel timer records and the associated booked labor records are handled in the same way. If an employee that is a member of the crew for which the WO activity is dispatched starts a travel timer, the R5FLEETBOOKLABOR record will reference the employee and the booked labor record created when the travel timer is stopped will reference the employee, not the crew.
The R5FLEETBOOKLABOR table has a new flag that indicates if the record represents a travel time timer vs. activity timer.